Understanding the ecosystem of data, source code and software (Intro)

10h -11h30
Lieu : Visio
Doctorants Formations doctorales Recherche BU BU Santé BU SHS BU Droit-Gestion LILLIAD

All doctoral school

Connaitre les possibilités et les enjeux du partage, de l’ouverture et de la réutilisation des données de la recherche, des codes et logiciels dans le contexte de la science ouverte. Avoir un premier aperçu des méthodes et outils existant pour les diffuser.

Programme :

This training session is part of the doctoral training programme in scientific and technical information coordinated by the University of Lille's libraries (Service Commun de Documentation) and designed in collaboration with the UPHF's libraries (Service Commun de Documentation).
It is part of the Open Science programme and will enable you to develop your skills related to Open Science – data, source code, and software.
Open science is a more reproducible and transparent way of doing science. It also allows scientific productions and data to be disseminated more openly.
The interdisciplinary skills developed in the Open Science sessions will be useful in many professional environments.

  • What is research data: definition of research data, formats, and data lifecycle
  • What are software and source code
  • Differences and commonalities between data and source code
  • Presentation of the issues surrounding data dissemination
  • Data dissemination:
  • Introduction to the data management plan
  • Identifying the various actors and stakeholders involved in data management
  • FAIR principles
  • Introduction to data repositories
  • Dissemination of source code and software
  • Development, description, sharing, and archiving
  • Identifying the various actors and stakeholders involved in source code management
  • Promoting data
  • Publication of data and links with other works

Inscription sur adum

  • Langue :  English.
  • Durée : 1,5 heures

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