Introduction: What is Open Science?

09h -11h
Lieu : Visio
Doctorants Formations doctorales Recherche BU BU Santé BU SHS BU Droit-Gestion LILLIAD

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Introductory level The “The legal framework: authors’ rights and licences” and "Open Science and the funding of research" sessions will enable you to develop your skills related to « Open Science: general and legal aspects ». These sessions are offered in French. These sessions can also be supplemented by various sessions from the Open Science sessions, for instance: ”Disseminating scientific work: publishing and other forms of scientific communication (Introduction)” and Increasing your work’s visibility. Why and how?

Objectifs :

  • Understanding the fundamental notions about the ecosystem of open science
  • Recognising the place and importance of open science in the field of scientific research (production and then dissemination of a work of research)
  • Identifying the opportunities offered by open science for the dissemination and visibility of scientific research


  • Definition of the various dimensions of open science 
  • International, national and local policies in favour of open science 
  • Advantages and benefits of open science 
  • Which practices for promoting open science? 

This training session is part of the doctoral training programme in scientific and technical information coordinated by the University of Lille's libraries (Service Commun de Documentation) and designed in collaboration with the UPHF's libraries (Service Commun de Documentation).
It is part of the Open Science programme and will enable you to develop your skills related to "Open Science: general and legal aspects".
Open science is a more reproducible and transparent way of doing science. It also allows scientific productions and data to be disseminated more openly. 
The interdisciplinary skills developed in the Open Science sessions will be useful in many professional environments.

Registration on Adum

  • Language : this module is offered in French.
  • Duration: 2 hours

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